What is SEO Audit? Instructions on how to SEO Website Audit overall from A to Z

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SEO Audit is a standard process to help optimize your website that any website needs to do. Its main goal is to quickly identify underlying issues affecting organic search performance.

After reading this article, we hope to help you understand: What is SEO Audit and why do you need a Website Audit? An overall audit will help you determine how errors are present on the website. From there, you can improve your overall SEO performance, helping to increase your keyword rankings and specific SEO pages.

So, what is SEO Audit?

SEO Audit is the standard process that any website implements. Its main purpose is to help websites quickly identify basic issues affecting organic search performance. Based on many related criteria such as content, onpage, offpage... SEO Audit also means “audit of optimization with search engine”.

What is SEO Audit? Instructions on how to SEO Website Audit overall from A to Z
1. What is SEO Audit? Instructions on how to SEO Website Audit overall from A to Z

SEO Audit is like “examining ” for a website. We will implement methods to check if the website's “health” is good and come up with “options” and solutions to fix and fix those problems. From there, implement SEO Audit properly and help you get a more general view of your website such as: What are the website's problems, is there anything unusual about the website's traffic, analyze Keywords effectively, how to improve the technical aspects of the website well,…

In your opinion, is SEO Audit complicated and what do we need to do to SEO Audit Website ?

Seo Audit is quite a complicated processor, you need to analyze many aspects of the business to be able to determine what is working and what needs to be improved. However, the ultimate goal is still “How to improve your website rankings and achieve scratch rankings on google?”

When should you perform an SEO Audit?

Normally, I would recommend conducting an SEO Audit at the following three important times:

What is SEO Audit? Instructions on how to SEO Website Audit overall from A to Z
When should you perform an SEO Audit?

Perform Seo Audit at the start of a new project:

1. Before starting any work, specific strategic planning is important. This also applies to your website. Conducting an SEO Audit from scratch will help you define clear and accurate strategic goals, creating a solid foundation for future activities.

Perform SEO Audit at the beginning of each quarter:

2. We should perform an SEO Audit at the beginning of each quarter to help you evaluate the SEO performance of the previous quarter. Compare current performance with the previous three months to detect any differences. If there are major changes, you can adjust your strategy more appropriately and effectively.

Perform SEO Audit when the website shows signs of abnormalities:

3. SEO Audit will help you clearly understand the operating status of your website when unusual phenomena occur. However, if your website is small in scale, you should not abuse SEO Audit. Focus on more important tasks instead of just relying on statistics.By performing periodic and timely SEO Audits, you can ensure your website is always performing well and optimized for search engines.

Sections to Audit on the Website

We have compiled the parts that need to be audited for the Website and below are 4 main parts that cannot be ignored when conducting an audit:

1. Technical SEO Audit

First, it is necessary to determine whether the website is operating normally or not by performing technical SEO analysis, including two main aspects:


  • Google and Users: Make sure both Google and users can access the website. Check the robots.txt file and robots meta tags to make sure they don't restrict access.
  • XML Diagram: Make sure the XML diagram is properly formatted and sent to the website administrator account, making it easy for Google to collect information.
  • Website structure: Users should be able to navigate from the home page to subpages with just a few clicks. Reducing clicks makes it easy for Google to access landing pages.
  • Redirects: Create redirects when moving or removing content to ensure Google can reach the moved page.
  • Page loading speed: Optimize page loading speed to avoid users leaving the website due to slow loading.
  • Interface: Ensure friendly interface and easily accessible information, meet user needs quickly and reliably.
  • Mobile-friendly: Adjust your website to be mobile-friendly, ensuring users can perform all mobile options without the need for a computer.

By performing periodic audits and focusing on technical factors and user experience, you can ensure your website is efficient and optimized for both Google and users.

Make sure your pages show up in search results. If penalized, determine the reason, fix it and ask Google to reconsider.

2. Onpage SEO Audit

What is SEO Audit? Instructions on how to SEO Website Audit overall from A to Z
Onpage SEO Audit

General substantive issues

Useful content: Make sure the content is related to the main topic of the website. Avoid "keyword cannibalization" and duplicate content.

Issues of each page

  • URL: Short, easy to understand, contains keywords.
  • Content: Minimum article of 500 words, contains LSI keywords, correct grammatical structure, easy to read, image optimization and meta tags.
  • Links: Link to reputable sites, check links work properly.

3. Offpage SEO Audit

  • Trust factor: Adhere to white hat SEO methods for Google to appreciate.
  • Social engagement: Reader-friendly content, widely shared on social networks, increases traffic and reduces bounce rates.

4. Competitor Analysis and Keywords

Keyword analysis: Consider keyword difficulty and traffic. Select keywords with difficulty and average traffic to optimize performance. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs to analyze keywords.

Things to do and not to do when auditing for the Website

SEO Audit is necessary! But when conducting an audit, you also need to follow certain principles to avoid wasting time without getting any results.

Things to do when implementing Website Audit:

  • Comprehensive audit: Examine all the structural and content elements that affect a website's SEO visibility.
  • Easy to understand and link issues: Link SEO issues to business and profit goals, provide specific solutions for improvement.
  • Establish a workable plan: Once the audit is complete, you must establish workable plans, setting a clear roadmap to quickly handle problems. The most important purpose of SEO Audit is to detect errors that your website is facing and come up with a reasonable solution.

Things not to do when performing an SEO Audit

  • Don't rush: Take time to find out the root cause of the problems, the audit time can last from 2-6 weeks.
  • Don't skip the detailed report: Before making changes, it is necessary to do a detailed report and send it to the website owners so that they understand the problem.
  • Do not apply general audit standards: Depending on the size, type and purpose of the website to apply the appropriate audit method, do not apply a single standard to all websites.

Checklist SEO Audit Website

In fact, each website will apply a different SEO Audit method. However, you cannot ignore basic technical elements of SEO such as sitemaps, server errors and metadata.

At a higher level, when implementing SEO Audit, it is necessary to consider accessibility, indexability and optimization on Google.

To ensure that the website SEO Audit method gives you accurate and standard knowledge, you can refer to Devlife's SEO Audit checklist.

And to become a website Audit expert you will need more knowledge. We have a complete set of SEO Audit courses that provide the most complete steps to perform a website audit:

Audit Content: https://devlife360.com/khoa-hoc-audit-content-devlife/

Audit Technical: https://devlife360.com/seo-audit-technical/

Combo of 2 Audit keys: https://devlife360.com/seo-audit-website/

Don't hesitate to contact Devlife for advice!Let's go to the next part!

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Kiểm toán SEO là gì? Hướng dẫn cách SEO Website Audit tổng thể từ A đến Z

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